Els alumnes de l'àrea d'Anglo-german Literature de 4t han estat llegint
petits relats sobre Edgar Allan Poe, el qual ha estat font d'inspiració
perquè hagin realitzat les seves pròpies ghost stories. De totes les redaccions, els alumnes han votat a The other side of the mirror de la Sara Marín i Madhouse de l'Alba Esteo com a les més originals. Enjoy yourselves while reading them.
The other side of the
I wake up before the sunrise, I breathe deeply and I sigh, “One more
night” I say to myself. I walk around the room and I don’t see anything
strange, “Come on! There’s nothing here, it was just a dream, real” I try to
convince myself. I walk slowly to the bathroom, and I don’t switch on the light,
my head is going to explode and that’s enough. When I’m on the door I recheck
the new room: “relax” I retell myself. I walk to the bathroom sink, and I stop in
front of it. I open the tap and I hinder the gush and I remove my limb
immediately, “so cold” I think. I move the tap and I wet my face three times
and I watch the mirror, my facial expression starts changing. It expresses
horror or hate, I don’t really know.
-Hi, again- says the mirror figure to me
-Go out! - I threaten her.
-We’ve got to stay together.
-Never again- I say angrily.
-You need me, accept it.
-Shut up! - I scream at her and I punch the mirror with my fist.
- If you are not with me, you won’t stay with any one- she says
-No! - I immediately shout but it’s so late. She is stabbing herself
with a piece of mirror.
-Forever together- she laughs.
The Madhouse
I was
watching TV when someone called me. I ran to take the phone and I said:
-Hello?- but nobody answered me. I suspected that it was a joke, and I went on
watching TV again. A few seconds later, someone called me again. I took the
phone and I said: -Please, this is not funny, don’t call me again.- but someone
answered me: -Please! I need help! They want to kill me! They want to kill me!
Jane! Jane! Please…- and then the call finished. She was my cousin, Jade. Who
wanted to kill her? I was very worried. When I turned back I saw something that
scared me a lot. Someone had written on my TV: ‘’you are the next’’. I ran to
see what this was, and I discovered that it was made with blood. I was very
afraid, and I decided to call my cousin Jade. Nobody answered me. I turned my
face again, and I saw something in the sofa: -Jade? Jade! Is it you?- I ran to
see her face, but when I arrived at the sofa, nobody was sitting. Someone was
in my house, and it wasn’t my cousin. I ran all around the house, and I
couldn’t find anything. Then I listened
to something from the bathroom. It was like water. I entered very quickly, and
I saw a girl having a shower: -Who are you?-. She turned her face. I was very
surprised, but she didn’t have eyes, nose or mouth. I closed my eyes and I
opened them again. I was dreaming, it was just a dream. When I opened them
again the girl was not in the shower…
-And you
say that you see her everyday, right?- said the doctor.
-Of course!
She is my friend!- I said.
welcome to the Madhouse…