dimarts, 12 de novembre del 2013

A story in English

One of the activities students do in English lessons is to write compositions in which they are tested their ability to produce not only well-organised information but also to use a whole range of vocabulary learnt in every unit. Among all the compositions written by the 4th ESO students, we would like you to read the one below. Enjoy yourselves while reading it.
Martí Jané 4th ESO B
This story begins when Antony, Steven and George were talking about the mansion of the top of the hill, which was supposed to be haunted. While they were talking, they may be near the mansion, and George said he didn’t believe in ghosts or haunted houses. Due to that, his friends made a bet and asked him to stay in the mansion until the sunrise.
George, who was carrying a torch, entered the mansion through a window. No one had ever lived in it since the accident which had happened in it some time ago. While walking down the hall he heard some noises and, suddenly, his torch died. He screamed.
Then he kept on walking and saw ten green eyes coming towards him. They turned out to be a mother cat and her kittens.
Finally, he decided to keep the mother cat and founded homes for the kittens. He called his cat Spooky. Although, he felt foolish to be scared by some cats.